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Samarbeider om høyoppløselig havmodellering (in norwegian) Aqua Kompetanse og har signert en samarbeidsavtale om levering av høyoppløselig havmodellering rettet mot havbruksnæringen.
01.12.2023 Aqua Kompetanse (Online) unlocks secrets of sea with Lenovo’s HPC Solutions. Lenovo has been selected by ocean intelligence company to power its operations and improve humanity’s knowledge of the sea.
27.11.2023 Intelligent CIO (Online)

Oceanbox ble løftet fram av AMD. Det norske softwareselskapet Oceanbox, som tilbyr avanserte havstrømssimuleringer, ble fremhevet av Lisa Su, toppsjef i prosessorgiganten Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) under Lenovo Tech World i oktober.
20.11.2023 (Online)

ActuiIA, a French news source about artificial intelligence ran an article about Oceanbox partnering up with Lenovo using HPC to map the ocean.
26.10.2023 ActuIA (Online)

Media24 ran a piece about Oceanbox and Lenovo unlocking the secrets of the ocean.
26.10.2023 Media24 (Online)

HPCwire, the #1 news and information resource about the fastest computers in the world and the people who run them ran an article about the collaboration between Oceanbox and Lenovo.
25.10.2023 HPCwire (Online)
Lenovo Tech World 2023. Chair and CEO Lisa Su of AMD, one of the worlds largest processor and gpu manufactureres, mentiones Oceanbox as one of three references for creating wonderful experiences.
24.10.2023 (Online)

Teaser-video about Oceanbox released before Lenovo Tech World in Austin, Texas Oct. 2023.
11.10.2023 (Online)

AMD showcasing Oceanbox on their platforms.
01.08.2023 (Online)

Unlocking the secrets of the ocean. How Oceanbox built a powerful HPC environment using Lenovo ThinkSystem servers powered by AMD EPYC™ processors to increase knowledge about how things travel with the ocean currents.
01.06.2023 (Online)

Ferskt IT-firma fra Tromsø inngår avtale med landsdekkende selskap (In Norwegian)
20.04.2023 ITromsø (facsimile)

Første kunde for havmodelleringsselskap (In Norwegian)
21.04.2023 (Online)

Oceanbox er andre finalist i Gründerpresangen (in Norwegian)
12.01.2023 Gründerpresangen / (Online)

Lanserer værvarsel for havet (in norwegian)
04.01.2023. Avisa iTromsø (facsimile)

Dette er årets deltakere i Arctic Accelerator 2023 (in norwegian)
07.12.2022. Arctic Accelerator (Online)

Vil gi havbruksnæringen hurtig tilgang på havstrømmene rundt oppdrettsanlegg (in norwegian)
26.09.2022. (Online)